Monday, 9 May 2011

There Was An Old Woman Who Lived In A Shrew


I seem to have folded into the stereotypical view that a blog is a miserable pile of secrets and taken up poetry.

This stems from waking up at 7am one Friday morning with a misquoted children's rhyme in my head, and found it stupendously easy to add new lines to it. It is currently Monday, so this is how far I've got after a weekend of thinking about this madness.

Essentially this piece is a combination of "There Was An Old Woman Who Lived In A Shoe" and "There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Fly" ...with a bit of a twist. It's very much a work in progress and potentially could go on for a very long time. Let me know what you reckon!

So then, here we go:

There was an old woman who lived in a shrew
How she got in there, nobody knew

The creature was bulbous, his eyes fit to burst
His quality of life was really the worst

As for the woman, she ran out of space
Her objects and trinkets came out of his face

At this point she considered buying a house
But opted instead to move into a mouse

This wasn’t much better and the mouse also died
There simply was not enough room inside

Down by the river, she entered a vole
A little more spacious, but out of control

The poor thing went mental and jumped in a lake
Hitting the bottom, his legs they did break

Still in the water, she discovered a frog
And loaded her possessions into his gob

She struggled a lot to get everything in
Her stuff tore a hole in the animal’s skin

Afloat on the surface, she encountered a duck
At first this seemed like a stroke of good luck

But the duck was soon uncomfortably overloaded
When she was done moving in, the poor thing exploded

To be continued...