To follow up from the last recipe, here's another drink for your banquet.
For this concoction, I'm going to show you the sketch before telling you about it. See if you can guess what it contains just from the diagram.

Right. Yes, it looks like a power station cooling tower. That is because the drinking vessel of choice for this one is a vase. Preferably pale blue, with a frilly top bit and cut glass squares all over the outside.
Why? I have no idea. Before we go any further, I'd like to point out that this drink was invented by a man called Darren, who lives in Blackpool. He is a most peculiar fellow... if only for making this abomination. I had no part in the making of this... thing. It was all his own work, although he had been awake for at least 24 hours and drinking heavily throughout.
As you can see, this sketch is a lot darker than any of the other things I've drawn. Darker in colour, and in atmosphere. This thing could summon many a demon. The dark liquid in the vase is primarily based around vodka and coke, normal enough...
BUT THEN!!! The chunky bits you can sort of see at the bottom (which actually looked that ominous in the flesh) are actually... flesh. Chicken flesh. And bones. This is because the drink was devised after a KFC bucket or two had been devoured by a hungry family.
So, you've got KFC chicken leftovers, vodka and coke in a glass. Anything else? Sure... might as well throw in the leftover gravy dip too!
I can't describe the flavour as I wisely decided not to partake in it. After being out drinking the night before, waking up and being pestered by children and an angry hangover... I just didn't fancy it. However, it smelled very strongly of all the key ingredients.
Naming it The Colonel is a stroke of genius though. Bravo Darren!
And now, some sad news:
This is the last of these recipes for now, as I've run out of disgusting food-based experiences. No doubt there will be more though. If anyone actually ever makes all the things I've mentioned, then you deserve a medal for bravery... and a bucket for vomit.