Recently, it was the birthday of a horrible man named Philip Heckles. Don't worry if you haven't heard of him, I wish I hadn't. He probably doesn't even have a Wikipedia page... Nah he doesn't, I just checked. This is the closest result for some reason.
Anyway, I was wondering what to get for him for a short while. He tends to spend money on gifts for others, but I've been a bit skint. So, as usual, it was time for an in-joke present. Easy enough, he's obsessed (and quite rightly so) with this 1968 factual documentary* film theme tune: I did a quick scribble based on it. It looks like this:

The picture is 2 different green inks applied to a piece of A4 size white card with a wooden kebab skewer and a little plastic spray bottle. You may notice I got the quote wrong. That is because I didn't watch the clip before making this, and I didn't really have a plan when I started. Also, the words I use are our own twisted variation of the lyrics**. I painted a nice wooden frame dark green and varnished it to make it look slimy.
That was it basically, present sorted. Upon receiving said gift, his reaction was "it's a picture!"
Well done Phil, your age and intelligence go hand-in-hand.
The Smallprint***:
*Well, 99% of it based on real life events.
**A poor excuse.
***I can't actually adjust the size of small section of text, just the whole article. But you can pretend.
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