Wednesday, 16 June 2010

Crabbed Into Sunlight

Hello, whoever you are.

You are reading the inane ramblings of Dr Jonas Christ, a semi-fictitious character who you may have just imagined. Unlucky.

The title of this very blog, Crabbed Into Sunlight stems from the age-old tradition of the word replacement game. You will have all played it, it's the one where you swap a word from a film title / band name / book title / TV series name / etc. for a word of your choosing. This game usually revolves around profanities and/or genitalia.

But for me, it's all about the crabs. What kind of crabs, you ask? The giant, bloodthirsty, man-eating menace type of crab, as documented by the world champion pipe-smoker, Guy N. Smith.

What a hero of our times this man is. Although, I disagree with him on one point: crabs, giant and menacing or otherwise, do NOT have lips! Glowing red eyes, fine. An impenetrable carapace, fine. A hatred for mankind, fine. Lips? No.

Crabbed Into Sunlight is a fine example of a crab replacement band name, originally based on the enjoyable sounds of Dragged Into Sunlight. I expect you know how the game works now, if you didn't already. Dragged Into Sunlight don't like to face the crowd they play to, use a lot of smoke machines and strobes, and their stage set-up features a trident of candles and a big ol' skull. See for yourself:

The idea of being crabbed into sunlight appeals to me greatly, I mean being dragged is one thing... but the crabs I enjoy wouldn't be very careful about the task in hand, and a limb or two may get severed in the process. The hatred for mankind found with all crabs is also relevant, as Dragged Into Sunlight have an album titled... well, Hatred For Mankind. This all ties together very well indeed, doesn't it?

I'm using this name for blogging for a number of reasons. Mainly, I couldn't think of anything better at the time. I do have a long list of alternative crab-based things, many of which I'll no doubt end up posting about. It's also very unspecific in it's own completely nonsensical way... I have a few ideas of things to write about here, and it made sense to pick a name which doesn't relate to any of them all that much. Plus, it's so damn catchy and swish!

I used to post gig reviews, but replacing part of each band name with the word "cake", but that lost it's charm. Crabs are therefore better than cake. Combining the two is not recommended.

So, that's about it for this introduction bit. Now for some real posts...

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